No, I don't think that was the intention here. I'm sure they never imagined the backlash either (or more likely they couold but didn't care). But if you think it would be racist to tell people to be less black (which I presume you do), how could it not be racist to tell people to be less white?
You're taking a bunch of negative traits and then applying them to a skin colour. And suggesting that it would be better if the people were less what they are, because it would diminish those negative traits.
It's exactly the same language game politicians who think they're slick play when they use words like "thug" or "inner-city" as code for black.
If you want to attack the people who are making these power grabs, man, I'm right there with you. If we want to talk about the super rich and how broken the system is, count me in. But I can't get behind attacking people because their skin is a certain colour.