No, I know I wouldn't become Jewish by marriage, I'm saying, if I wanted to marry a Jewish woman, I could convert to Judaism. Even if I wasn't particularly called to the faith. So if I could become a Jew under these conditions, we have to recognise the "Jew", is a fairly loose category.
I think your analogy of the US is spot on. The US has behaved abominably towards many groups, most relevantly here, the Native Americans. Most people don't call recognition of this fact anti American. America doesn't segregate Native American people behind a blockade, and nobody says that Christians in America own the land or that the land is reserved for Christians or that Christians should have citizenship and movement rights that other people don't.
Colonialism is always going to cause problems. Understandably. America is still grappling with that fact. But I don’t think Israel has grappled with that fact. Because all conversation about it is conflated with antisemitism or calls to eradicate the state of Israel.