No, it was Zionists' fault. Although I will say, this constant attempt to pretend that Jewishness and Zionism are the same thing undoubtedly makes it easier for the morons who conflate them and demonise all Jews for the sins of Zionists.
I'm not sure if I can admit that there are more dangerous places for Jews than Israel as I don't know in detail what's happening in Yemen. But that's not because I'm afraid to admit that I was wrong. It's because I like to know my facts. The story you showed me about the. guy in Yemen was absolutely horrible, and if that is indeed typical of what Jews there can expect, then yes, that's obviously a more dangerous place for Jews than Israel.
I will, however point out that Israel is far more dangerous a place than Europe, say, or the US, which is what I was thinking of when I read your statement that Israel is "the only semi safe country for Jews." This, is trivially, unequivocally false, and you don't need to do any research to know it.
And yes, no serious person is disputing that Jews have faced persecution throughout history. Certainly not me. The question is, is it okay to ethnically cleanse another innocent group of people who were actually living in peace alongside Jews, to mitigate that?
In fact, a more pertinent question is, is it absolutely moronic to try to ethnically cleanse a group of Muslims from a land that is sacred to them and which they obviously will never simply give up on, leading to what is, so far, a 76 year war that brings nothing but misery to all concerned?