No. It's not hate. It's not bigotry. It's the mind of somebody who hasn't been indoctrinated. Which, by the way, is almost everybody. I literally had to re-read your comment three times before I could twist my brain into the doublethink required to understand it.
You are using words in precisely the opposite way that almost everybody else in the world uses them, and then claiming its hate when people are confused or simply don't want to rewire their brains to keep up with your language games.
Nobody is "forced" to go through puberty. It just happens. Just as nobody consents to ageing or dying or having a physical feature they dislike. The biological world is far bigger than you and your whims.
People can, and do, take steps to change their appearance. As they have every right to do. But they don't have the right to tell other people to fundamentally alter how they perceive the world. And most people agree that it's completely appropriate to encourage children to approach these changes with great care. Or even to prevent them from making them until they're adults.