No, it's people choosing an arbitrary line to divide themselves from other people. I have the advantage (and also the misfortune) of having spoken to many of these people. It's actually remarkable how completely they've separated themselves from other white people in their minds.
Instead of the arbitrary marker of skin colour, they've embraced the arbitrary marker of "being one of the woke whites". Of being "good anti-racists". They genuinely don't see themselves as the same as you. Which enables them to hate you (or at least disdain you).
Again, the problem is that somewhere in there, you think that skin colour is a meaningful dividing line. So you can process the idea or bigotry based on that, but can't see it as just as stupid as religous bigotry or left-handedness or whatever. Because you haven't bought into those.
I'm not even trying to give you a hard time about this. Most people, white and black, have bought into this. So other arbitrary markers seem stupid, but skin colour doesn't. You treat them differently and don't even notice the double standard. I'm just trying to point it out to you. Because if you just stop and think about it, you'll understand something important about the nature of racism.