No, racism is its own thing. Just as the other forms of discrimination I mentioned are their own thing. I don’t care how rich you are, you can’t buy your way out of ableism, for example.
But if you look at the issues that primarily affect black people, if you look at the demographic shortfalls that black people face, almost of all of them (if not actually all of them) would be better addressed with a focus on class/wealth than a focus on race.
I’m not, I would hope it were obvious, saying that anybody should ignore racism. I’m saying that a) the way the modern antiracism movement addressed it was completely backwards and incredibly predictably failed to improve anything for black people or anybody else, and b) in a world where we have to choose priorities, it makes sense to choose the thing that will have the biggest positive impact on people’s lives.
Lastly, I think this idea that white people would rather die than see black people receive the same benefits is an insane failure to understand people’s motivations. If you see an entire demographic of people as this kind of caricature, you’re in exactly the same spot as people who the people who see black people as a monolithic slab of crime and low impulse control.
You really think white people in any significant numbers are lying on their death beds or living in chronic pain, comforting themselves with the knowledge that a black person somewhere is suffering the same fate? I’m an open-minded guy, but you’re going to have to show me some evidence of that. I don’t even need demographic wide evidence or polling data. I’ll take a few recorded anecdotes of people thinking that.