No. This is obviously untrue. The idea that women are spending thousands of dollars, facing social stigma and undergoing a significant medical procedure as "post-coital contraception" is nothing more than propaganda.
There are a variety of reasons why women have abortions, of course. Some of them, undeniably, because the woman or the man in question were less responsible than they should have been.
But a) the idea that abortion laws could effectively target those cases and not the rest is a pipe dream, b) in many/most of the cases where somebody has been irresponsible, it's the man, not the woman (I doubt many women who don't want babies are forcing men to ejaculate inside of them), and c) even if a woman has been completely irresponsible, it's not because she wanted to get an abortion. Abortions aren't fun for anybody. Especially the woman having one.
So no. I don't think women are having abortions on a whim. I think they're having them because they're the least worst option. Again, there's room for good-faith discussion about where the limit should be. Roe vs Wade already provided clear guidelines on that that were acceptable to most reasonable people. But while "pro-life" people are advocating for restrictions that will do little except put more women at risk, they don't get to claim the term in my opinion.