Nobody said it was brave. You shouldn’t need to be brave to ask whether a medical practice is harming children. Everybody should be interested in answering that question. And you’re assuming she knows nothing about them. There’s actually a lot of data supporting the view that puberty blockers do more harm than good.
But even putting that aside, what does authenticity have to do with drugs and surgery? What do you even mean by an 11-year-old living their authentic life? What did the 11-year-old-you know about what you’d want today?
And while I have nothing against you personally, can I just say how morally repugnant I find this “well, it doesn’t affect me, so I’ll just stay out of it?” attitude?
History is littered with people who stood up and objected to practices they weren't personally affected by because they thought something was wrong. They weren't always correct. But I'd much rather be wrong than shrug my shoulders while children are being harmed for profit.
I mean, should we apply your logic to the young girls butchered every day by female genital mutilation? Do I need to be a gynaecologist before I can object to that? Or the vulnerable people turned into vegetables by lobotomies? Should we have just listened to the families who allowed their children to be permanently brain damaged? There was a time when lobotomies were considered a wonder cure for mental health issues after all.
Should straight people have stayed out of conversations about gay conversion therapy? Should white people have stayed out of conversations about black civil rights? God, when did it become “progressive” to not have a backbone?