Oh, and you say this because I'm black? Seems like you're the racist one my friend. Because Im pretty certain you wouldn't say that if my profile picture was a white guy. And you also clearly have no idea about my views on racism despite my extensive writing on the topic here.
When I say "you people" I'm not talking about Jews or Israelis, I have no idea if you're either, and frankly, I don't care. I'm talking about you people who feel the need to make excuses for an ethnostate as it commits genocide. You people who use terms like "paliwood" and then try to take the moral high ground.
You blindingly ignorant people, steeped in Israeli propaganda, who nonetheless talk about research without ever, ever coming with facts or data. Just half-baked talking points and desperate accusations of anti-semitism.
You people who claim, with almost unbelievable stupidity, that direct, verbatim quotes are "wrong" because you're babies who can't face the truth, even when it comes from the mouths of the people you're defending.
You people make me sick. And if you had any capacity for introspection or shame, you'd be ashamed of yourself.