Ok, so I think this is where we disagree. It's telling that the three people who have had a problem with the article out of the thousands who have read it have all started with some version of "the white folks in the comments...". My aim here is to point out a trivialisation of racism (as well as some wrongheaded attempts to be racially sensitive) which I see as a problem. I could not care less about the skin colour of those who are frustrated with this problem too. Funny how you chose to overlook the black folks in the comments who also agreed. Remember, once upon a time, when not focusing on the colour of people's skin was the dream of anti-racism?
Conflating micro and macro, i.e. assuming all individual white people are racist because we live in a system built by racist white people, is exactly what racists are doing when they say black people and thugs and criminals. The goal of anti racism at the micro level can't be to perfect the art of seeing people as monoliths, whether it's a white monolith or a black monolith. Surely the goal is to recognise that we're all human, each capable of being kind and cruel, smart and stupid, selfish and generous.
At the macro level, we're aiming to fix systems which disadvantage blank people and repair the damage caused by historic ones. Right? Do you think it's a bad thing to include as many people as possible in that effort? Do you think the progress that civil rights has made so far has been made without the involvement of any white people?
People aren't our enemies because they're white, they're our enemies if they're standing in the way of our progress towards the goal of ending racism’s impact. It doesn't need to take a lifetime, it's not a quest for spiritual enlightenment, it's a human-wide effort to move beyond petty tribalist thinking and hateful rhetoric, and to repair historical injustice. PB&Js are not a part of this effort. Even if you think they're important (and I kind of have to question your sanity if you do) surely we can agree that they're not priorities.
p.s. It's wholly unsurprising that you're so primed to take offence that you call me out for not talking about issues which exclusively affect black women, despite two of the three issues I mention affecting black women just as much as anybody else. I also didn't mention trans women of colour, or disabled people of colour, or gay people of colour. I'm not here trying to help you fill in a bingo card, I'm trying to communicate an idea. Seriously, what are you trying to achieve with this? This kind of petty point-scoring is a waste of everybody's time.