Okay, so it wouldn't be clear that I was claiming it in bad faith, as you said earlier. Instead, you'd be willing to ignore your instincts and the evidence of your eyes, and assume I was trustworthy until I proved otherwise (that proof being me harming you or somebody else in some way).
And, of course, you're welcome to take this risk. But do you really not see that there are serious implications to imposing your personal boundaries on every woman and girl on the planet?
First, you’re saying that you don’t care if I, looking exactly as I do now, get naked in front of women and girls, as long as I’m not acting in "a threatening manner". But you're overlooking the fact that my mere presence in a female changing room would be threatening to many women.
And that's before you've even defined what you think "threatening" means. And what should happen if I do behave in a threatening manner. After all, making somebody feel threatened or uncomfortable isn't a crime in many cases. So after I've been kicked out of the women’s changing room, am I allowed to return? If not, how do you stop me from just moving on to a different changing room? These are the kinds of details I don't think you're considering.
You’re arguing that the boundaries of every single woman on Earth should be overlooked so that I can use a space that every objective measure in existence says I shouldn’t be using. That the whims of a very, very, very small proportion of people, as you put it, should take precedence over the comfort and safety of ~50% of humanity.
You’re arguing that I should be allowed to risk re-traumatising a sexual assault victim or frightening a child or just upsetting everybody in the room, because I’m not willing to use a male space, despite having a male body.
And you're doing so based entirely on a claim that, by your own admission, everybody has to take a complete stranger's word for.
And again, you misrepresent my position. I don't presume that trans people are less trustworthy than the wider population at all. I presume that males are less trustworthy than females when it comes to violence and sexual assault. Actually, I don't presume it; every single piece of evidence in the world relating to violence and sexual predation confirms this fact.
So if you're arguing that males should now be allowed access to private female spaces, I think women are 100% correct to demand a more reliable safeguard than, "CJ doesn't mind this." Do you really think that's unreasonable or hateful?