OmG ThAt'S a StRaWmAn!! I didn't say "perfect"! I NEVER ONCE claimed my sarcasm was perfect. When will you stop putting words in my mouth??!! You're like the black Donald Trump...or something!!11!!!
I will now write four replies to the same message demanding that you retract this strawman and I'll pretend that I'm too much of a child to understand that this was very minor hyperbole and address the essence of your point.
You're not a new reader. We've spoken in the comments of my articles a few times before. And not to toot my own horn, but I'm a pretty good writer. Written sarcasm works when the reader is able to understand that nobody is going to seriously be confused by an obviously stupid proposition. Especially when the writer then goes on to carefully and with evidence address the flaws in that proposition throughout the article.
Maybe, as is sadly common these days, you just read the first few paragraphs (or the title) and made your mind up about the rest of the article. Maybe you're just not very bright. Maybe you're on the spectrum and struggle with sarcasm. I'm really not sure at this point. But yes, most people can judge written tone fairly accurately.