Please stop this. This argument is so stupid and racist and highlights your total ignorance of (or perhaps indifference to) the discrimination black people suffered in the 50s and 60s. Plus, I already addressed it in your reply to my article. If you’re going to use black oppression as a talking point, at least have the decency to learn the history you’re trivialising.
There is a very clear difference between females wanting, on some specific occasions, separate spaces from males (for safety, privacy and sport for example), and white people wanting separate spaces from black people. If you're confused about this difference, you are a racist (and perhaps a misogynist). Again, as a male, I'm excluded from certain female-only spaces. I am not being oppressed because of this. It's absolutely ridiculous to argue that I am.
I fully support my own exclusion from these spaces because I understand that it keeps women safe from men who are dangerous even though I personally am not dangerous. When I'm told I can't go into a female changing room because I’m male, that is not oppression. When a black person is told they can't walk in the front door of a store or use a water fountain or eat at a lunch counter or that they have to give up their seat on a bus if a white person wants it, that is oppression.
To be clear, I also understand that trans women face dangers and discrimination in society too. Again, primarily from men. I’m sure we’d agree that trans women also deserve protection. The issue is, how do we offer that protection in a way that doesn't make females less safe. And I think a key piece in that puzzle is to have a definition of "woman" more meaningful than "anybody who says they're a woman."