Race is neutral. Race has not always been treated neutrally. Race essentialist terms like "whiteness" continue that mistake. All of these can be (and are) true simultaneously. Let's take race out of it. In fact, race itself is a flawed concept.
Homosexuality is neutral. There is no moral component. It says nothing about a person other than the type of person they're sexually attracted to. Yet in some countries you can be executed for it.
You're confusing the treatment with the characteristic, which, ironically, means you're buying into the framing of the racists who subjugated black people in the first place.
You can't tell anything about a person because they have black skin other than that they have black skin (skin cancer risk aside 😁). Same goes for every other skin colour. As long as we cling to the idea, in whatever form, that skin colour says something about an individual, we validate the very foundations of racism.
And the folks "starting the conversations where they are" aren't starting a converstaion at all. Do you really not see that? Have you not noticed that their comments are simply other angry black people "bigging them up" for their rant, and white people like our "black on black crime" friend hurling insults at them. Do you think that's valuable? Do you think it's making anything any better for anybody? Or do you think that every single one of those screeds makes the problem a little bit worse?