Seriously, what is it that you're not understanding? Yes, Colin Keprnick is another perfect example of cancel culture. I agree! Why do you keep giving me examples of cancel culture in your attempt to claim that it doesn't exist?
I don't think you can talk about Heather Heyer's murder, or a crackpot consipracy theorist shooting up a pizza restaurant as examples of cancel culture. And just because I know I have to spell it out to you, this doesn't mean I don't think they're abhorrent, they're just different things.
Once again, because it seems like you're not paying attention, I'm not on the right. Not even close. I'm not ignoring the transgressions of the right. That simply wasn't the topic of our original conversation. Just like I'm not ignoring racism or rape or genocide by having a conversation with you here about something else.
There are many things worse than cancel culture that we could be discussing, but we're not. Our conversation is about cancel culture, which you deny exists at the same time you give me examples of it and say how terrible it is, then you dismiss it as "a couple of people" or "hysteria". Do you even know where you stand on the issue?