Simply put, I think most minority groups are in the unfortunate position of not having many groups in which nobody despises them. There are racists and homophobes on the left too, it's just a different brand. Of course, that means that not everybody in these groups despises us either.
As oxymoronic as it sounds, I've had conversations online with some very reasonable sounding Trump supporters. People who I believe aren't homophobic or racist. They make compromises which I disagree with and hold priorities which I think are wrong, but they aren't evil people.
I think we've all gotten so used to using the worst opinions of the other side to tar the entire group, that we've forgotten that they don't all think with Trump's mind. Just as they've lost sight of the fact that the left isn't all communists and Critical Race theorists.
In fact, I'm in the middle of writing about this exact topic.