"So being that coffee and rum cannot drag slave-era violence onto Black people like police do."
You see how your own comments make this unclear, right? Here you are saying that the police "drag slave-era violence onto black people."
But okay, what do you mean by "slave-era violence"? How does it differ from modern day violence? Why wasn't the murder of Timpa or Thomas or Damond "slave-era violence"? And how are you connecting the actions of the cops who killed Nichols to the slave patrols? Or do you just add "slave-era" to add a little emotive punch?
Also, being patronising about a mistake you made is tiresome. I understand what an analogy is. I don't need a warning when you're going to use one. It's just that yours was especially bad. So bad, in fact, that even your own readers didn't see the parallel you were trying to draw.
I think an appropriate action, at least in this case, is pretty close to what happened. The officers should be fired, charged, and very hopefully put in jail for a long time.