Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.
You people are such unbearable cowards. Not a word of actual argument, not a single counterpoint, which I guess would be tricky as you'd literally be arguing with the words of Zionist leaders, just ad hominem and lies.
My only regret is that I won't be there when you're one day forced to reckon with the utter moral bankruptcy of your position. When history judges what is happening and sees all of you who defend this as the repugnant genocide apologists that I already see you for.
There have been people like you on the wrong side of every issue. Who made excuses for the colonisers dehumanisation of natives, of for the slavers' dehumanisation of Africans, or the Nazis dehumanisation of Jews, of religious extremists' dehumanisation of gay people and yet you're really stupid enough to think your dehumanisation of Palestinians is the one time in history where this hasn't proven to be the side of the monsters.