😁The backlash isn't usually too bad. Luckily, like you, I have an extremely thick skin. The fact that mine is brown also insulates me from being called a racist most of the time, but yeah, I still get my share of yelling and name-calling.
Still, somebody having a meltdown in the comments of my articles doesn't impress me very much. I work really hard at being fair in how I represent opposing arguments and accurate about the facts I present. So when the best somebody can do is throw a tantrum, I feel like they're basically admitting that they agree and don't want to.
As Heather Heying once beautifully put it: "It's fascinating really, what agendas and traits people will attribute to others when what they actually want to say is, 'I disagree and I can't defend the disagreement.'"
Thanks for the kind words. We still haven't found a topic we disagree on. We might have to seriously consider the possiblilty that we have the same brain.