No. The biggest social threat are violent males.
I’m not saying that all males, trans or not, are a threat. I know very well they aren’t. But almost all violent threats are male. And all available evidence suggests that trans women don’t commit violent crime at lower rates than any other males.
And yes, you make exactly the same point I do about bathrooms:
"I can't wait until I pass well enough to use the men's room safely."
As I say in the article, bathrooms are segregated by gender, not sex. Trans women who pass already use the women's bathroom without issue. But trans women who don't pass will make women feel unsafe in the women's bathroom for exactly the same reason you don't currently feel safe using the men's bathroom.
I'm not using trans men as pawns at all. Even if I wanted to delegitimise trans women, which I don't, the potential conflicts between trans women's rights and women's rights are plain for everybody with basic common sense to see. They're plain in the simple fact that I can stump anybody who believes in this ideology just by claiming to identify as a woman and asking if that really makes me one.
So no, I'm not trying to delegitimise trans people. Truly I'm not. All I'm saying is that women's rights are obviously under threat if there isn't a standard of womanhood that can't be spoofed by any man who utters the magic words, "I'm a woman." And that I think there has to be a compassionate, reality-based conversation about how best to resolve this problem.