Member-only story
The Conversation Needs You.
Here’s why you should speak up, even if everybody else is already doing so.
Most information nowadays is noise. Social media has given us all a platform, and it’s almost impossible to figure out which ones are worth paying attention to. Given this information overload, it’s natural to feel like there’s no point in speaking up yourself. After all, somebody out there must already have said what you’re thinking, right?
Actually not really. Yes, it’s true that with the billions of people out there, some number of them must share your opinion and some will even have taken the time to say so. But to think this means you can leave the responsibility of expressing your opinion to other people is to miss a few important points about the value of your own voice.
1. Your perspective is unique.
The first point to be made is pretty well-worn but that doesn’t make it any less true; your voice is unique. The collection of experiences and viewpoints that have led you to believe the things you believe is yours and yours alone. Which means that you are the only person that can communicate them to others.
Informing people isn’t simply a matter of stating facts. It’s stating them in the right way, imbuing them with your feelings, having them…