The reason Israel's genocide has particularly excited my righteousness are twofold and obvious.
First, my government is not funding the genocides in any other countries to my knowledge. Therefore I don't feel as compelled to speak out against them.
Second, nobody who I would consider an even vaguely serious person is making excuses for those genocides. Especially while trying to portray themselves as reasonable and morally intact.
So yes, there are terrible things happening all over the world. I oppose them all yet I don't write about most of them. Not because I don't care, not because I dislike Jews or Israel (Israel is one of my favourite countries, or, to be more accurate, Tel Aviv is one of my favourite cities), but because what's happening in Gaza right now is horribly wrong and is being cosigned and funded by almost the entire western world.
That's the difference.
And I'm not in an "ad hominem place." I've spent months politely addressing the talking points and pointing out the facts. Including with you personally. And all I've received from you, and many of your fellow genocide apologists, is whataboutism and holocaust-based emotional manipulation and a demonstration of the apparently endless lengsths you’ll go to to avoid acknowledging the crimes that Israel is committing and has been committing for quite some time. Which is why I think that you are babies. You are disingenuous. You are desperately seeking victimhood as a way of distracting from the facts.
You cry crocodile tears about how terrible it all is, and how Netanyahu and Likud are “right-wing savages” who don't represent you (ignoring the many polls that suggest they do represent a sizeable chunk of Israeli citizens), and then you argue that the IDF, currently under the control of Netanyahu and the Likud are also somehow the "most moral army in the world™" How exactly does that work?
You ramble on about atrocities committed millennia ago in fucking Babylon and the fucking Crusades as if they have any relevance whatsoever to the genocide taking place right now in Gaza, and then want me to pretend you're arguing in good faith.
And most infuriatingly of all, you continuously fall back on the most egregious ad hominem of all, namely that criticism of Israel = antisemitism, conflating Israel with all Jews whenever the weight of the evidence become too much for you to gaslight your way out of.
This dishonesty is what boils my blood more than anything. The need to cling to this image of yourself as the good guy coupled with this utterly self-centred apologia for atrocities that benefit you.
If you oppose Netanyahu and his "right-wing savages", oppose them. Do it with your full chest. Stop with the whataboutism about Babylon and weasel words about genocide. You can still do this and support the country and people of Israel. You can still do this and unreservedly condemn Hamas and their atrocities. I know, because I do it.
If you support what Israel is doing, then admit that you do. Stop with the false empathy and crocodile tears for the tragic slaughter of Palestinians. Admit that you'd rather Israel kill them all than obey international law because justice for the Palestinians might negatively affect you in some way.