This is a good list, but I have to take issue with a few items.
First, as a former martial arts instructor, please don’t send people you care about to self defence classes. Have them study a martial art, FOR YEARS, have them carry a weapon, or have them train to run a sub-7 minute mile. I don’t mean to sound patronising, I’ve just seen too many women given a false sense of security by a six week self defence course.
Second, if you want men to free themselves of the provider/protector role (even though you seem to be asking us to take on the protector role, and I think we should), you’re going to have to talk to women too. It’s strange how often it’s overlooked that a lot of young men get their stupid ideas of what a man is “supposed to be” from women.
But regardless, I think that an article like this would be much more productive than the one we’re commenting on. Though the real problem is, as I said, that the guys who most need to read this aren’t doing so.