This is tiresome Marnita.
First, go and read the article you're referring to again. I refer to the black community as "we" several times throughout the piece. I'm not going to argue with your increasingly untethered from reality projections.
Second, each of your replies is like, 1000+ words long. I'm not going to read all the way through all of this. Especially when it has, so far, been a mixture of rather improbable boasting and projection.
Whatever word you want to use to describe the level of emotion this article seems to be evoking, I think any impartial observer could agree that "disproportionate" is apt.
I have no idea why you're telling me about incidents of racial abuse in yours or your son's life. As I already made clear in the article itself, I'm not claiming that racism no longer exists. That wold be a strange claim to make given that I have my own stories of racism. Nothing in the article is meant to be a counterpoint to the claim that racism exists. Just as no story about racism is a counterpoint to the progress I write about in the article.
You seem be having trouble accepting the idea that two things can be true at the same time. And, as I predicted in the article, to be hellbent on asserting that only one of those two things matters.