This is what drives me so crazy about this debate. Yes! I agree with you!
I don't know how I could possibly have been clearer about the fact that I differentiate between trans women and men. I even wrote an article recently focusing on men. My point is, the idea that all we need to do to differentiate between men and trans women is ask them, is just the most stupid thing I can even imagine.
When the standard for womanhood was higher than a change of pronouns.When there was a structured process of social and medical transition, pretty much nobody was talking about this. But the idea that if I were to say right now "I'm a woman, please use she/her pronouns," you believe I should be treated legally as if I'm a woman, is just so god damn asinine. I cannot believe that in the year of our lord 2022, there are people seriously suggesting this.
And that's before we even address the fact that rates of male sexual violence are unaffected by transition. They're low amongst trans women, of course, they're low amongst men too as a percentage of the population, but sexual aggression is a male problem, not a gender identity problem.
Finally, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make about bi/multisexual women being sexually assaulted. Are bisexual women not women? Does that not prove my point about the rate at which women are sexually assaulted and the need to take sensible steps to prevent it? They're still being assaulted by males you know? I don't think rapists ask about the woman's sexuality first.
p.s. I'm not going to put a trigger warning in an article because I write the words "rape crisis centre." The only part of the article that might warrant a trigger warning is the very tangential reference to an attempted sexual assault. As it's the only reference to sexual assault and wasn't graphic in any way, I decided that a trigger warning probably wasn't necessary. You, a man, are the only one of thousands of readers who have said anything about it. Please stop using performative fragility as an identity.