To address your edits, I have never said anything about Israel's “right to exist.” This whole formulation of a country's “right to exist” is nothing more than an attempt to manipulate people’s emotions. Even you, in your very next paragraph, acknowledge that borders aren't determined by rights. So why rely on this sappy, meaningless formulation?
But borders don't need to be determined by force or “blood.” In fact, most borders have been determined and are maintained by diplomacy. Remember that? The process of talking in good faith with somebody to achieve a peaceful resolution instead of slaughtering them and helping your citizens to steal from them with impunity? And that's before we address the fact that Israel refuses to define its borders precisely so they can continue to steal land.
Peace cannot exist without justice. You should read your Martin Luther King (or just practice a little empathy):
“...I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom.” (Emphasis mine.)
If one side in any dispute has been unjustly treated, and that injustice isn’t resolved, there will never be genuine peace. You can see this at every level of humanity from your own personal relationships to geopolitics. And the Palestinians have been badly mistreated before they did anything in retaliation.
Peace is possible if and when the Israelis recognise that, and make a genuine effort to resolve it. This does not require the end of Israel’s “existence.” Even wiping out all of the Palestinians wouldn't bring true peace or safety to the people in Israel, because their actions would make permanent enemies of many in the rest of the world.
Lastly, this trope about Jewish ethnic cleansing is so dumb. And it's hilarious that you've even included Gaza! That's a leap even the most Rapaport-esque Zionists are usually smart enough to steer clear of. Gaza was "ethnically cleansed" of Jews you say? By whom?! They sound like terrible antisemites!!
And did you know that mysteriously enough, in the same year as those 8,000 Israelis were "ethnically cleansed" from Gaza, over 15,800 Israelis found their way into settlements in the West Bank? Ah, the West Bank, that must be a really un-antisemitic place by your logic. Population changes always equal antisemitism or its inverse, right?
Jews, of course, have faced horrific antisemitism in many places over the centuries (and I don't mean people making valid criticisms of war crimes or telling individuals they hadn't constructed an argument). But the overwhelming reason the population of Jews in other parts of the Middle East decreased is because they were heavily encouraged to voluntarily move to Israel. "The promised land!" "The safest place in the world to be a Jew!" "Next year in Jerusalem!" and so forth.
The same reason, for example, that all those white people were "ethnically cleansed" from Europe in the 1800s, and at the same time, a bunch of white people just so happened to show up in America! "The New World!" "The land of opportunity" and so forth. I mean, have you ever asked yourself how the Jewish population in Israel changed over the same period??? Oh my God! Look!! It went from around 806,000 to almost 10 million!!! Whatever could explain such a thing???!!!