Ugh, this is exactly it. I'm so tired of people, whether they be anti-racists or radical feminists or trans activists or whoever it is, for whom being oppressed and an "outsider" is the point.
People who demand justice but don't want it because it would stand in the way of their victim complex. If they actually gave a shit about their community, especially the young people who will follow them, they'd spend their time trying to find solutions and celebrating victories. Instead, they actively impede progress because it's easier to complain that to fix things.
I often wonder what people would make of Martin Luther King if he was alive today. I have boundless respect for that man. He lived in a time when racial oppression was unimaginably worse than today. He actually lived through segregation, he was persecuted by the government just for peacefully seeking equality, he was eventually murdered for doing so. Yet this man refused to look away from the goal of a true end to racism. And because of that, even though there's still away to go, the world is a better place.
Today you have so called "anti-racists" who benefit from his heroism in ways they're barely even aware of, who would troll him on Twitter and call him a white supremacist because somehow they think they understand racism better than he did. It's absolutely infuriating.