Well, I don't think that America can take credit for racism, despite what Kendi would have us believe. Whether you call it a caste system or imperialism or something else, people have been discriminating on the basis of skin colour long before the Atlantic slave trade.
But the roots of that discrimination seem to be here in your comment too. White people are racist? How do you know this? How does benefiting from a system automatically make you responsible for its evils?
Are you sexist because you're a man who benefits from the advantages of the patriarchal society we live in? Are you subjugating women because you happen to have been born male?
I think your reference to mutually assured destruction is apt. Either we figure out a way to look past the colour of people's skin and fix the problems in society, or we tear each other apart for a difference that is literally skin deep. We can't do that unless all of us stop generalising on the basis of skin colour.