What a thoroughly moronic thing to say.
Yes, I, who believes in the importance of age of consent laws to legally protect children from sexual abuse (not "young people", children), am absolutely "the problem." But luckily, I'm only a problem for people who want to sexually abuse children.
If people are to get help for their urges (something I'm obviously completely in favour of), they need to be clear that their urges are wrong, no? That's why people like you, who don't understand the difference between helping people with their pathology and normalising that pathology, are the problem.
People like you, who, for reasons I'm not going to think about too deeply, are "frustrated" by the illegality of adults having sex with children are the problem.
People like you, who conflate pedophilia with homosexuality or any other sexual orientation, are the problem.
Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation. It is always abuse. Because it is sexual contact between an adult and a child who, by definition, cannot consent to sex. It has nothing to do with gay conversion therapy, which I am and always have been totally against. Because gay sexual relationships occur between two consenting adults. (The difference is thoroughly laid out here.)
Yes, there are edge cases, which are already covered by legal exceptions in most places and should be in all places. I'm not talking about a 17 year old having sex with a 15 year old. But if the only way you can get behind age of consent laws is if they're absolutely perfect, have the courage to admit that you want to do away with them completely. There is no such thing as a perfect law, anywhere, for anything. Murder, rape, theft, you name it.
So if you can't recognise that there is an age, somewhere, where a child is too young to consent to sex (and don't accept that choosing this age will always be necessarily arbitrary), if you haven't thought about this deeply enough to understand that parents cannot protect their children every second, or, indeed, that some parents are themselves abusers, I don't think there's much chance of us having a productive conversation. And honestly, I don't want to have a conversation with somebody who would rather quibble semantics over this.