What do you mean "and maybe progress can be made"? Progress *has* been made! It's crazy that people talk as if civil rights are in a worse state today than they were in the 60s
The problem we have at the moment is that the progress that still absolutely needs to be made is being impeded by people who aren't interested in progress. People who think activism is simply pointing out ever more petty and ridiculous problems while real issues like prison reform and a lack of generational wealth are largely ignored because they're not "sexy" enough for the news.
Or the fact that people try to blame every problem on racism, even when racism is CLEARLY not to blame, which undermines those who are trying to talk seriously about problems which affect black people.
People who see racism as a source of income rather than a problem to be solved are absolutely not a "good problem to have". They're the reason why race relations are going backwwards at the moment. There the reason why more black people died in te streets last year than the year before. And if you look at what black people on the streets are saying, most of them realise this. They're being spoken for by people who don't care about them.