What exactly is the daily death toll? Do you know? Do you have any statistics? Or do you just say things like this hoping that nobody will ever actually call you on it? Are you aware of how disingenuous theTDOR list is (https://youtu.be/B_FXH6ZeItg)?
And just as importantly, do you know what the daily death toll of women is? Or how often they're raped? Trans activists use death as an emotional cudgel all the time. It's complete bullshit. Yes, trans women get murdered, overwhelmingly trans women who work in the sex industry. This is awful.
But conflating it with the entire trans population is either a deliberate attempt at manipulation or a perfect example of how little thought you've given to these issues and their causes. It's like me looking at the murder rate of prostitutes and saying it was typical of women in general.
Speaking of which, guess what other vulnerable group is overrepresented in the sex industry and is murdered at an alarming rate. You guessed it. WOMEN!!! Trans activists really think trans people have the monopoly on suffering. They're wrong. The issue is that people like me care about both sets of suffering, and people like you only care about one.
Women don't have a "perceived" righ to penis-free environments. God you are such a creep! It's a right. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge that just gives of insanely rapey vibes.
And this "right to exist" bullshit is just another attempt at emotional manipulation. As far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong, trans women won't burst into a puff of smoke if there are common sense efforts to ensure that they're not simply men who are pretending before allowing them into female-only spaces.