What on Earth is wrong with you? First, as I already said, children cannot consent to sex. There is no question of whether they want to. They cannot. But even if they could, are you imagining that children want to be sexually abused?! Do you know what child sexual abuse is otherwise known as? Statutory rape. The "rape" part should hopefully answer any uncertainty you have about their consent.
No, a legal age of consent doesn't stop people from coercing children into sex. Just as a law against murder doesn't stop people from committing murder. What it does is deter people from committing these crimes and provides a framework from holding them legally accountable if they do. This has nothing to do with a parent talking to their kids about sexuality.
I didn't answer your question about how my parents handled sexuality because it's absolutely none of your business. But if you're hoping I'm some kind of prude, you're laughably wrong. I think consenting adults should be free to do whatever kinky things they can imagine. I think people should be able to speak honestly about their sexual desires. I think people should be able to speak honestly about their sexual activities. But if those sexual activities are crimes, they shouldn't be "cancelled," they should be jailed. Just as they should be if they confess to any other crimes.
If you have knowledge of a child abuser and haven't reported it, you are complicit in any further abuse they commit.
Lastly, my focus on age in discussions of pedophilia is motivated by the fact that "pedo" literally means child. Seriously, what the hell are you talking about? The moral outrage comes from the fact that child abuse is wrong in the mind of any morally intact human being. This goes beyond religion or politics or nationality. Again, my question is why you aren't outraged.
I stand behind every word I've written and didn't imply you're a pedophile. I simply said I don't want to think about why you're so invested in dismissing the need for age of consent laws. Which I don't. But you should.