Which means you have a track record of accepting bad ideas based on poor evidence.😅
How many of the people you tried to "educate" about your beliefs did you think just "didn't want to understand"? How many of your peers found the arguments for Mormonism "easy to follow"? How long were you certain that people's failure to believe in Mormonism was "not due to the ideas themselves"?
Right at the beginning of this conversation you gave a whole bunch of other hypotheticals for my "failure" to understand you:
That some people find this so difficult is not evidence that it doesn’t make sense. It’s extremely easy for me to understand and for others. So I know that the failure to understand is not due to the ideas themselves. You’re just not listening long enough, or open to changing your mind, or expressing enough curiosity before shutting down… or something.
What if the mysterious "something" is simply that you're wrong? We've been talking for days, and while I've at least tried to understand you, you've made no attempt whatsoever to do the same. You've given no indication that you've even considered the possibility that you might have something to learn. Or that there might be something that you're not understanding. Again, you seem to lack the self-awareness to see that you're far more guilty of the arrogance you're accusing me of.
"I'd be fascinated to get to the point of having an actual debate with someone able to be on my level." "Here's an unasked for list of my academic achievements! Look how smart I am!!" "I AM NOT AFRAID OF ARGUING WITH YOU!" (Despite me never claiming that you were.) I mean, seriously?! 😅 And you think I'm the one who thinks I'm smarter? Maybe it really is usually men, but in this case it's you.
I've also spent hours talking (again, interesting how you characterise this as "arguing") with people on Twitter and in the comments of my articles and in person. I have numerous Medium posts which I've actually gotten around to finishing on the topic of gender.
You haven't presented any arguments that I haven't heard, better expressed usually, hundreds of times before. And like you, I haven't met anybody who can rebut any of my arguments or who is even willing to give straight answers to the simple questions I pose. So you haven't exactly convinced me that there's anything to be gained by subscribing for more of the same. Thanks for the offer though.👍