Why in God's name are you talking to me about transphobia? What on Earth is going on?! 😅
You say that there's a consistent theme in my writing. Okay, great. Let's go with that. What is that theme? Point it out. "Your privilige is showing" is such an empty, worthless thing to say to somebody. Yes, I understand that privilege has many faces. Intelligence is a form of privilege. Being a native English speaker is a form of privilege. Mental health is a form of privilege.
The very fact that I'm a writer on the internet suggests I have some degree of these. So does every other reasonably successful writer.
So. *******. What?
Was Martin Luther King's privilege showing when he spoke? He certainly had it. He was fairly wealthy, well educated, astonishingly intelligent and articulate. He didn't live in the projects. He had the emotional maturity to control his anger and speak from compassion and righteousness instead. He opposed rioting and violence even though some black people saw it as the only way. Was that because of his privilege? To a degree, yes! His character, his strength, his decency, these are privilieges too.
So this snide little accusation of "my privilege showing" is meaningless. If you think I'm wrong, fine. Tell me why. I'm listening. But tell me based on my words that you claim tell you so much about me. Don't arrogantly tell me stories about your life as if they're parables for mine. Because whatever privilege I might be showing, the hubris you're displaying is palpable.