😅 Why must it be like this Ydenise? Why can't we be friends? We have, apparently, a difference of opinion about a case that neither of us was present at, but which I, in my defence, have at least spent a few days researching carefully.
I could still be wrong, of course. But why does that mean you have to jump on here and start swearing and attacking my character? I'm so very, very tired of this childishness. Aren't you?
Anyway...I didn't say that because a black male jumped into the fray, it couldn't be racism or white supremacy. But is it fair to say that on a packed subway in New York, there would be many people interested in stopping a white supremacist murderer? That most people wouldn't have jumped into a situation like that for no reason? I think so. So when a black man does jump into the fray, I consider that as a point in the "not white supremacy" column. And so far, there isn't anything in the "was white supremacy" column.
Multiple eyewitness testimonies report that Neely was threatening passengers. We can all sit in our armchairs and argue about whether it was justified to restrain him, or whether those threats were scary enough. But it's worth noting that, at least so far, not a single person on that train has said they didn't think it was justified. Penny shouldn't have killed him. And I don't think he intended to. He'll have to settle that in court. But that doesn't make him a white supremacist.