Wilma! Are you serious?! 😅 You want me to read an entire book so that we can discuss it? Not trying to be rude, but you vastly overestimate my investment in your opinion. Especially given that you almost always end up resorting to attacks on my character and mischaracterisations of my words.
Besides, we could also discuss my article if you actually gave them a fair reading and responded in good faith.
The entire first part of the essay is devoted to pointing out Scott Adams' racism. I explain very clearly that what he said was racist, and stupid, and why it was racist and stupid, yet you come away with the claim that "a black man is saying it MUST not be racist."
It's impossible to have a conversation if you are going to insist on mind-reading and projecting, even when the actual words I've written are right there in from of you.
As for black people being in more danger than ever, I'm not even going to entertain an argument so ridiculous. You claim there's propaganda saying that black people have no history worth learning. I'd love you to give examples. But regardless, if you believe black people today are in more danger than ever before (which I don't think you do), then it's you who needs to take a look at black history.