Yeah, I already read it. I think it's a spectactularly bad take (and I absolutely love Bari).
The issue isn't whether Christian Cooper is a saint. It isn't whether Amy should have had her dog on a leash or if he was being a "Karen" for asking her to folow the rules. It's that she called the police, lied to them about feeling threatened, and repeatedly higlighted his race in an attempt to use it against him.
I mean, it's incredible to me that the video doesn't speak for itself (I'm not accusing Bari of any nefarious motives, but it's interesting she doesn't include the video in her piece):
How anybody looks at this and believes Amy felt threatened when she is clearly seen aggressively approaching Christian as he asks her not to come close to him, when she threatens to call the police and tell them "that there's an African American man threatening my life" even though he's clearly made absolutely no move toward her, when he leaves the scene the instant she clips the leash onto her dog's collar, is beyond me.
There are undeniably cases where the race card is pulled too quickly and people's lives are ruined unfairly. I list a few in the article. But Amy Cooper isn't one of them.