Yeah, I have a fair amount of experience in martial arts. And taught numerous self-defence course. It's different in the case of Penny because as you say, he was probably fairly highly trained. But I've seen how many people, even in the safe environment of a class, completely lose track of what they're doing.
I think a lot of people make the mistake of applying a logical, emotionally neutral appraisal to emotionally charged, high adrenaline situations. I know that a well applied RNC can knock somebody out in around 10 seconds. I'm not so confident that if in a real fight, I could accurately judge how long 10 seconds was.
I'm betting there's some footage of the actual choke that hasn't been released to the public yet. I'm curious to see how long Penny held onto the choke after Neely stops resisting. But again, either way, I'm not arguing that Penny doesn't deserve to be punished. He chose to intervene, and that carries responsibilities with it.