Yep, me too. I think any sane person would. Same for enslaved black people killing their masters. I'm with Nat Turner all the way.
But the question you're asking is a little more like this:
"A few years ago, a man kidnapped three women, held them captive and violently abused them. One evening, one of the women escaped and the man was arrested.
The women went on to have daughters of their own, who also had daughters of their own and so on. Let's say those great-great-granddaughters encountered a different man's great-great-grandson. Would they be justified in killing him? Or hating him? Or blaming him for the evils perpetrated on their grandmothers?"
And here, I'd say no. As, I believe, would any sane person. What happened to their great-great-grandmother is awful. But it doesn't make a blanket hatred of men make sense.
If whiteness isn't based on skin colour, what is it based on? Why did Mystal use "whiteness" and "white people" as synonyms? What did Khilanani want to kill any random white person as opposed to white people exhibiting this mysterious property known as whiteness?
And if whiteness is about power, did Obama become white when he became president? Is Oprah white? Is Lebron white? Is Dave Chappelle white? Is powerlessness the only way to understand black people? Because the white supremacists would agree with you.