Yes, I didn't say otherwise. They gave all of Gaza, for self-interested reasons, but let's table that, which was a disaster zone, removed 8,000 illegal settlers from their illegally built homes (homes that had ben illegal for the entire ~36 years they were there), and added 15,000 settlers to the West Bank the same year.
The West Bank, as I'm sure you're aware, is also Palestinian land. So when I say that the Israelis want to illegally steal and occupy Palestinian land and kill any Palestinians who get in their way, that's what I meant.
The fight of the Palestinian people is to regain all of their land. And considering that the PA was in control of Gaza and the West Bank at the time of the withdrawal, it is not surprising that the fight for control of that land was waged from Gaza and the West Bank.
The solution to this fighting, a solution, asI'm sure we've already discussed, that has near-universal support from the international community and from the Palestinians, is for Israel to simply return to it's official 1967 borders and stop stealing new land.
We can talk all we want about Hamas methods of fighting Israel when they refuse to abide by this perfectly reasonable resolution, we agree, I'm sure, that Hamas attacks have been appalling and counterproductive, but I understand the desperation of the Palestinian position where, even though almost every nation in the UN supports this peaceful resolution, the US and Israel have singlehandedly blacked it for decades. And not only that, but Israel has continued to steal land and kill Palestinians ever since.
I hear people ask 100 times a day, "what Is Israel supposed to do." But what are the Palestinians supposed to do??