😅 Yes, let's.
"...when they stop ripping our souls out through our chests just for their own enjoyment."
Now you'll have to excuse me, I'm just a poor dumb negro that needs you to sweep me up in your arms and "apologise to me" because the world is like this (my world is pretty good thanks), but could you explain to me how the above is an "authentic" expression of your experience? Or of any black person living in America?
It seems you've replaced Narnia with another fantasy world. Only this time, it's a world where you're a hero to us poor confused blacks who don't understand what victims we are.
My understanding of racism is fairly deep and nuanced actually, and I'd be hapy to discuss it. But my understanding of the above is that you're a fetishist who can't conceptualise black people as anything but helpless weaklings who need to be spoken to as if we're children. I can assure you that you're wrong.
God, I find good old-fashioned hateful racism infinitely preferable to this patronising, "hero-complex" neo-racism. Both types think black people are inferior. But at least the old-fashioned type doesn't expect us to be grateful for it.