Yes, of course she's disadvantaged. Which is why men are taught, over and over again, not to fight back when women attack them. And most men take this lesson to heart. And why some women feel able to physically attack men. Not to mention that, of course, that some men aren't especially big and strong. Like this, for example.
And YET AGAIN, I too would be happy if you could make your reproductive choices. And if more women were in leadership positions. And if women weren't beaten or raped or murdered. And I have at no point suggested, I haven't even hinted, that men have it worse. I said, and I'm saying it again, that this doesn't need to be a competition where we argue about who has it worse. I'm saying that it's in everybody's interests to support the upcoming generation of girls and boys. I'm saying, we could all, men and women, take each others struggles seriously, listen compassionately, and try to figure things out.
But instead, over and over again, from men and women, these conversations devolve into these dead-end zero-sum games. I asked you to listen to Cassie Jane, not just because she's a woman, but because she was trapped in exactly the same loop you seem to be stuck in.