Yes, of course, this must be a reasonable proxy for what's going on in these people's heads. But what I can't understand is how they do it.
I believe I’m right in saying that most Israelis are secular. If not, then millions certainly are. Yet there is no ground for this claim except a ~3000-year-old holy book. And as countless Jewish scholars have pointed out, even if you do believe in this book, the book is absolutely clear that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land is a messianic promise: it’s supposed to be delivered by God, in the Old Testament sense of parted seas and columns of fire, not the result of earthly political or territorial or military action.
In fact, almost all Orthodox Jews oppose Zionism, even those living in Israel, and would prefer to be living in a shared Palestinian state.
There is a huge rift between "men are trash" and “men are actually being held in a prison camp and bombed and I want the army to use even more force.” You’re also looking though the wrong end of the telescope here. Most of the "men are trash" sentiment comes from resentment at the fact that women are marginalised in society. The Jews aren’t marginalised in Israel.
The comparison to Hatians is even more ridiculous. But yes, actually, I can easily understand why the people of Springfield feel like, what is it, 20,000 immigrants into a population of 50,000 (?), is too much. Especially given the inevitable cultural integration issues.
I think all reasonable people can agree that there should be more done to support the people of Springfield and that this ratio is too high. And if the Haitians started killing them and trying to force them from their homes, I would support immediate deportation. I wouldn't be even slightly tempted to justify them or indulge their clams to god-given rights.
See how that works?
Most of us can understand this situation easily in cases where the people affected feel connected to us in some way. It's natural to have a certain degree of in-group bias. But when that bias gets so extreme and twisted that it can be used to justify anything, that's when you end up with Nazism and the KKK and Zionism.