Yes, that's kind of true. But let's be specific shall we?
Where is this state? On land that Palestinians were already living on for generations of course. So ~700,00 were expelled, thousands more murdered, and none of them were allowed to return to their homes..
How big is this state? Unknown. Israel has consistently refused to define its borders because while the rest of the world thinks the borders should be the 1967 borders, which are already larger than the original agreement, the fanatics in Likud think its should be everything, say it with me, from the river to the sea.
And you don't have to take my word for it, Benjamin Netanyahu has gotten into the habit of parading a map of "Greater Israel" with the West Bank and Gaza entirely removed, and replaced with Israeli territory. Ben-Gvir includes Jordan too.
This is why land is still being stolen form the Palestinians in the West Bank as we speak.
How is this state maintained? Through maintaining a Jewish majority of course. Bu this is difficult. That's why there is such a heavy emphasis on Aliyah, it's why Israel withdrew all the Israelis from Gaza in 2005, and it's why Israel passed its racist Nation State law, asserting that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the end of Israel. Because that means they can legally justify treating Arab Israelis as second class citizens.
How else is it maintained? By killing Palestinian of course! The Palaetsinains have an absolutely, inarguably legitimate claim to the land Israel sits on. They are stubborn and refuse to stop fighting for it. So if you're not interested in a just solution, as Benjamin Netanyahu has explicitly stated several times, the only other option is to kill them.
This is the reality of this state owned by Jews. If you want to claim this is all Ziniism is, well, you're mostly right. But be honest, eh?