You keep accusing me of this as you search for a way to justify the awfulness of your position. No. I'm not outraged by the term. I'm frustrated that people defend or try to normalise pedophilia out of some misguided belief that all boundaries are bad. I'm disgusted that people engage in relativism and semantic games about something so important. I’m horrified at the damage sexual abuse does to people, often for their entire lives.
If you want to talk about the failings of governments or abuse by institutions or better pre-emptive measures, that's fine. Great even. I'm with you. But abolishing or lowering the age of consent does nothing to help any of that. It's whataboutism of the absolute worst kind.
And yes, I agree that pedophiles need to be able to come forward for help. But again, they will only do that under the clear understanding that their urges are wrong. You don't seem to understand this. And again, lowering or abolishing the age of consent or engaging in relativism about "how old is old enough?" won't help that situation either.
Anyway, I'm sick of pretending that you're arguing in good faith. It's not a "hangup" to want to prevent adults from having sex with kids. You know this. But you want to pretend that it is, because it gives you a rationale to help you pretend that the true pathology doesn't lie with adults who object to being told "no, you are not allowed to have sex with a child."
10-year-old kids aren't trying to have sex with each other. And even if they were, literally nobody is talking about that when they talk about pedophilia. Again, more whataboutism. Because for some reason, you're desperate to avoid the real issue here. Namely, adults having sex with children.
Think about why you find the idea of preventing an adult from having sex with a child to be so objectionable. Even if the child in question says they want to have sex. What's the harm in saying, "I understand, but let's wait a little until we can be more confident that you're sure." We do this with driving, alcohol, tattoos, ordination, enlisting, plastic surgery, the list goes on and on. But sex? Somehow you're really mad about that one.