You're conflating effect with motivation. Again, I realise that prejudice exists. I realise that certain groups have statistically worse outcomes than others. I'm sure we're in agreement that everything possible should be done to fix this. But fixing it isn't achieved by leaning further into tribalism.
When you say the world views me differently, what world are you talking about? The black world? The white world? The western world? Are these monoliths that are separate from each other? Some people treat me worse because I'm black. Some treat me better. Some don't care about it at all and respect me because I'm intelligent or are intimidated by me for the same reason. Most are completely indifferent to me. There are a thousand other factors which also affect how I'm treated. Other black people have completely different experiences based on their own personal characteristics, their geography, the people who they interact with.
I have more in common with some women that some men. More in common with some gay people than some straight people. More in common with some Asian people than some black people. I saw your post "Why Are Men*" and had a chuckle. Do you really think being disgusting is a trait limited to men? I could show you some sights😅 The labels are not the truth.
You don't know anything about my life because I'm black or a man, and I don't know anything about yours because you're white passing or a woman. The idea that judging each other and how we're "supposed" to think based on gender and skin colour is supposed to REDUCE sexism and racism is insane. It's so horribly backwards that I can't believe it's necessary to say it.