You're right, sorry, I wasn't thinking none so I was surprised that I typed it. I actually had to go back and check😅 I'm answering a lot of replies so I guess I got a little sloppy.
My issue is simply that your claim that "a lot of those White people didnt actually see Black folks as human", speaking specifically about abolitionists, isn't a factual claim at all. You can't possibly know that. How many diaries and letters from abolitionists have you read that state that they didn't see black people as human?
Again, these are people who put themselves at great risk to do the right thing in an environment wildly different to anything we know today. There *are* no modern-day abolitionists, because working for black rights today, while challenging, is mostly celebrated, it's not a potential death sentence. When we consider the attitudes of the time I think those people deserve nothing but our respect.
So what I took from your comment (I may be wrong of course), is a desire to paint the abolitionists in a light that I don't think they deserve. You took the time to nuance a perfectly reasonable point, in a conversation with somebody else, in a way that made those people seem less decent than they were without any real evidence. Saying "it's complicated" doesn't really address anything.