😅 You're telling ME to come on??!!
You watch a watch a 2 minute clip from a documentary, that alone is enough to directly contradict what you thought you knew about what happened in 1948, and instead of watching the documentary and seeing what else you didn't know, or looking for the abundant other evidence of civilian massacres in and before 1948, you decide that the three war veterans in the video, laughing as they confess to horrendous war crimes, are just "three offensive people" and retreat to your little safe space of ignorance.
Describing rape and murder as "tempers being hot" is absolutely disgusting. Although, I'm sure you're morally consistent enough to describe October 7th that way too, right? Right??
Does what these "offensive people" (others known as IDF veterans) are describing sound like a war of defence to you? Have you never wondered why, after living peacefully with Jews in Palestine for centuries, the Arabs suddenly decided that an Israeli state was a problem? Do you know what the terrorst groups that eventually coalesced into Israel's government were doing before 1948? Do you have any idea why Israel's government seems to have such a terrible right-wing extremism problem?
No. You are absolutely curiosity-free on this entire issue because you're smart enough (though not brave enough) to know that the slightest genuine search for the truth, the most minimal effort to humanise the Palestinian people beyond being "Radical Islamists" will bring the while house of cards crashing down on your head.
So you have to believe that this whole thing was just a war that the valiant Zionists fought to win their God-given land and the Arabs fought them for no reason other than rapid-onset antisemitism and lost and have been sulking ever since.
Well, bad news, it's going to come crashing down anyway. Because the fanatics in Netanyahu's government are displaying the full depravity of Zionism and its inevitable consequences to the world. They just can't help themselves. And as they do, those with the courage to do so will see that this depravity has been a feature, not a bug, of Zionism all along.
So when it becomes common knowledge, please don't pretend this isn't the side you took.